Whispers Of Shayatan
Listen to Qur'aan Recitation
Not The Devils Music
"Music sows hypocrisy in the heart like water causes seeds to grow in soil."
(The Blesses Prophet S.A.W.)
MUSIC | Haraam
Listening to Music is Haraam and a Sin
Stay away from evil acts such as listening to music and encourage others to do the same too!
- Music is a tool of Shaytaan (Satan).
- The playing of musical instruments and listening to them is Haraam.
- According to the Law of Islam one who participates in music is regarded as a Fasiq (Sinful person)
- One of the harms of music is that it distracts one from his Creator.
- The messages of today follow a genral theme of love, drugs and freedom.
- Appearance of music and stringed instruments is a caused of Allaah's anger.
- It is the tool of Shaytaan (Satan) by which he attracts people to commit wrogful acts.
Music Is Haraam!