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Showing posts from 2013

What Are You Striving for: Dunya or Akhirah?

Many of us seem to spend an incredible amount of time and energy chasing the dream job. Afterall , a bigger paycheck often translates into a better car, a bigger house and a higher worldly social status. But we are warned about this in The Qur’an : “Rivalry in worldly increase distracts you (from the remembrance of Allah), till you come to the graves” (102: 1-2). “Your wealth and your children are but a trial, and Allah has with Him a great reward.” (64:15). Ever think of the results of all of your worldy efforts? ”It will be, on the Day they see it, as though they had not remained [in the world] except for an afternoon or a morning thereof.” (79:46) Lavish homes and fancy vacations are temporary worldy fixes whereas dedicating time and effort into something that lasts an eternity make more sense, doesn’t it? Have you ever stopped for a minute and considered building a house for yourself in Jannah ? ”Allah will build house in Jannah for whoever is dilige...

Surah Al Fatiha - The Opening .. (Translation - Transliteration - Arabic Text - English Text)

Al-Fatiha | 7 verses | The Opening   سورة الفاتحة  Surah # 1   1.  بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ [Translation] In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. [Transliteration] Bismi Allahi rahmani raheem 2.  الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ [Translation] Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, [Transliteration] Alhamdu lillahi rabbi lAalameena 3.  الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ [Translation] The Beneficent, the Merciful. [Transliteration] Alrrahmani rraheem 4.  مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ [Translation] Owner of the Day of Judgment, [Transliteration] Maliki yawmi deen 5.  ...

How do I Stop listening Music? ..

Okay so now we know Music is wrong and against the teachings of many scholars but what to do now once someone has acknowledged that? How does someone stop something they have been doing for so long? Often when it comes to stopping something for the sake of Allaah, the troubles or problems faced are due to their love or attachment to that thing or simply an error in their relationship with Allah (S.W.T.). I’m going to give you 3 very important pieces of advice, in which helped a sister personally when it came to fighting against her nafs to resist such things. First: Work on your relationship with Allaah. You need to get to know Allaah (S.W.T.) in order to bring yourself closer to Him, and the reality is many of us don’t know Him. These are three actions that, if carried out sincerely, will bring you closer to Allaah ( S.W.T.) and strengthen your relationship with Him: 1. Learn His 99 names, their definitions and genuinely reflect on them and ...

Islamic Quote on Love ..

"Every love that leads away from His love is in fact a punishment; Only love that leads to His love is a hear felt & pure love." - Ibn Al-Qayyim The word "love" in the Qur'aan appears on over 90 places but interestingly it doesn't define the word love but speaks about the very first consequence of love... "commiting", Islam talks about comitment, if you truly love, then comit, if you do not commit then your claim of love is not real. - Sheikh Yassir Fazaqa Boy: I love you with all my heart. Girl: Just your tiny heart? Boy: And my soul! Girl: Then, what is left for Allaah?

Islamic Quotes on Alcohol ..

ALCOHOL is the MOTHER  of all EVIL 0 believers, indeed wine, idols and divining arrows arrows are an abomination. These are the Satanic acts so avoid them completely so that you may prosper. (al-Maidah) 5:90. The Holy Qur'aan ALCOHOL | Haraam No alcohol! Absolutely and positively. Alcohol, as well as being Haraam, can lead to three types of liver conditions: Fatty liver, Hepatitis and Cirrhosis Did you know? - Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths annually - Alcohol can affect virtually every organ in the body, since it is absorbed directly into the bloodstream - Alcohol can lead to unsafe behaviour, and even death - Alcohol has many side effects - Drinking, even at moderate levels, can put you at risk of serious health and social problems - Alcohol interacts negatively with more than 150 medications Every intoxicant is a vise and every vise is forbidden Someone asked: "Why is drinking alcohol and drugs are Haraam (bad/wrong) i...

Islamic Quotes on Speaking ..

Control and Tame your tongue. Watch what you SAY. You may NOT be able to take it back.    'Surely silence can be sometimes be the most eloquent  reply'   Backbiters need to PICK THIER TEETH! They eat the flesh of thier dead brother! ( He said... She said...  They did... He did... She did...  Blah... Blah... Blah...)

Islamic Quotes on The Five Pillars of Islam ..

To testify that there is no God but Allaah & Muhammad is the Messeneger   Pray 5 times a day (yes, just 5 times!) Pay zakah to help deserving needy people Give salaam  (greetings) (assalamuala'ikum,  hey sup?) To fast in the month of Ramadhan To go on the pilgrimage to Mecca during Hajj season