Many of us seem to spend an incredible amount of time and energy chasing the dream job. Afterall , a bigger paycheck often translates into a better car, a bigger house and a higher worldly social status. But we are warned about this in The Qur’an : “Rivalry in worldly increase distracts you (from the remembrance of Allah), till you come to the graves” (102: 1-2). “Your wealth and your children are but a trial, and Allah has with Him a great reward.” (64:15). Ever think of the results of all of your worldy efforts? ”It will be, on the Day they see it, as though they had not remained [in the world] except for an afternoon or a morning thereof.” (79:46) Lavish homes and fancy vacations are temporary worldy fixes whereas dedicating time and effort into something that lasts an eternity make more sense, doesn’t it? Have you ever stopped for a minute and considered building a house for yourself in Jannah ? ”Allah will build house in Jannah for whoever is dilige...