Okay so now we know Music is wrong and against the teachings of many scholars but what to do now once someone has acknowledged that? How does someone stop something they have been doing for so long? Often when it comes to stopping something for the sake of Allaah, the troubles or problems faced are due to their love or attachment to that thing or simply an error in their relationship with Allah (S.W.T.). I’m going to give you 3 very important pieces of advice, in which helped a sister personally when it came to fighting against her nafs to resist such things. First: Work on your relationship with Allaah. You need to get to know Allaah (S.W.T.) in order to bring yourself closer to Him, and the reality is many of us don’t know Him. These are three actions that, if carried out sincerely, will bring you closer to Allaah ( S.W.T.) and strengthen your relationship with Him: 1. Learn His 99 names, their definitions and genuinely reflect on them and ...