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Showing posts from June, 2012

Islamin Quotes on Jannaah .. (Paradise)

Do you want Jannaah? If you avoid the great sins which you are forbidden to do,  We shall remit from you your (small) sins,  meaning, if you avoid the major evil deeds that you were prohibited,  We will forgive you the minor evil deeds and will admdit you into Paradise.  - Surah An- Nisa : 33 Allaah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: If a woman offers her five daily prayers and fasts her month (i.e., Ramadan)  And guards her chastity and obeys her husband it will be said to her, Enter Paradise from whichever of the gates of Paradise you wish. Jannah, may we all meet there one day.

No Hijaab / With Hijaab ..

No Hijaab: Before they leave the house, they would look in the mirror. No Hijaab: When she looks in the mirror, she makes sure she has the best style. No Hijaab: So that she looks good and to attract men. With Hijaab: But they look in the mirror for different purposes. With Hijaab: When she looks in the mirror, she is covered and dressed appropriately. With Hijaab: So that Allaah is pleased with her. With Hijaab: And because of that, she is beautiful.  THIS IS NOT HIJAAB ! The Prophet (SAW) said that in later generations of his Ummah there would be, 'women who would be dressed naked and on top of their head (what looks like) camel humps. Curse them for they are cursed.' Plucked Eyebrows, Full Make Up Transparent Extremely Tight Clothes. Eternal Nailpolish & Nails so long they can be used as weapons. Always Talking to ethier her "BOY" friend or BOYFRIEND Str...

Islamic Quotes on Knowledge ..

Knowledge without action is insanity, And Action without knowledge is vanity. The Knowledge of a hypocrite is in his speech, While the Knowledge of a believer is in his actions. O my Lord! Advance me in knowledge. [20:114] Rabbi zidni 'Ilmaa

Islamic Quotes on Islamic Greetings .. !

As Salam Alaikum  May Allaah, The Lord of the world, shower His blessings on you !   Islamic Greetings: More than Words Be Kind And Give Salaam


 Islam Unites Us All   Islam Unites Us Languages And Borders  Don't No Arab is superior over a non-Arab, And no white is superior over black nor a black over a white And superiority is by righteousness and God - fearing alone - Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) -

Islamic Quotes on Mothers ..

Mother's Day ,  Celebrate it  Everyday .  Mothers, Hold their child's hand for a moment And their heart for a  Lifetime. It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (May Allaah be pleased with him)  said: "A man came to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said: 'O Messenger of Allaah, who among the people is most deserving of my good company?' He said: 'Your Mother.' He asked, 'Then who?' He said:  'Your Mother.' He asked, 'Then who?' He said: 'Your Mother.' He asked, 'Then who?' He said, 'Then your father." (Narrated by al-Bukahaari)

Islamic Quotes on Charity ..

The best charity is that given by one who has little.  - Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) Islam Every Day Fact #36 If Any Muslim Plants Any Plant And A Human Being Or An Animal Eats Of It He Will Be Rewarded As If He Had Given That Much In Charity. [Bukahari]               Smile, it's a charity.

Great Islamic Quotes from our beloved Prophet, Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)

The life of this  WORLD  compared to  the Here after,  is as if one of you were to put his finger in the ocean and take it out again then compare the water that remains on his finger to the water that remains in the ocean. - Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. (From Sahih Muslim) Whoever loves to meet Allah,  Allah loves to meet him. - Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him The Muslim is a unique  Ummah among the whole of mankind: Their Land is ONE, their War is ONE, their Peace  is ONE, their Honour is ONE and their Trust is ONE. - Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)

Are You Muslim by Name or Muslim by Nature .. ?

I am MUSLIM But Only by NAME I Call Myself A Muslim, But Do I Act Like One? Don't JUST be Muslim & Proud .. Be Muslim & PRACTICING ! Don't TELL Them You Are A Muslim .. SHOW Them You Are A MUSLIM !

Islamic Quotes On Parents

The most beautiful thing in this world  is to see your parents smiling and knowing  that you are the reason behind that smile. Prophet Muhammad SAW said:  One who pleases his parents has  verily pleased Allaah, and one who  has angered his parents have verily  angered Allaah. And Your Lord Has Decreed That You Not Worship Except Him And To Parents Good Treatment Whether One Or both Of  Them Reach Old Age While With You Say Not To Them So Much 'Ufff' And Do Not Repel Them But Speak To Them A Noble Word. Qur'aan 17:23-25

Alhamdulillaah / All Praise belongs to Allah

Alhamdulillaah All Praise belongs to Allah   Alhamudulillaah Thank You Allaah For All That You Give Please Teach Me To Be Good Every Day And Let My Heart Be Ready And Willing To Pray   SAY Alhamulillaah Thank You Allaah For Everything That He Gave To Us.. Alhamulillaah..

Islamic Quotes on Qur'aan and Sunnah ..

I leave with you two things. As long as you hold them tightly, you will never go astray. They are: the Book of Allaah (Quran) and my Sunnah. - Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Qur'an & Sunnah The only way to Jannah The Road is, Long, Hard  And Sometimes You  Should Walk on Broken Glass. Be Patient, Let Qur'an And Sunnah Be Your Map And Set Your Destination To Jannah, In Shaa Allaah.

Islamic Quotes on Prayer ..

When I pray, I do not expect the Almighty, to answer my prayers immediately. Instead I always first thank Him for not punishing me for my sins immediately.    GOD has deposited Love, Joy, Prosperity, Peace, Laughter plus all Kinds of Blessings in Your ATM Account. Use Without Limit. The PIN Code is: P. R. A. Y. E. R.    Why Worry When You Can Pray? And your Lord says, "Call upon Me, I'll respond to you" [40:60]

Islamic Quotes on Iman ..

There Are Problems Everyday, Problems With Work, Home, Relationships, Life... But We FORGOT That The Biggest Problem We Have Is The Problem Of Our IMAN Iman is like an aeroplane ride, The higher you go  The smaller the things on earth look.  Your level of Iman can be measured in, The consistency of your good deeds.

It's only a temporary life ..

It's a temporary world, strive for the hereafter. Death can come any time,  so in order to die as a Muslim you must live at all times a Muslim.  There is no time for later. Time is running out, Turn to Allaah, before the end.

Islamic Quotes on Hijaab ..

Dear sisters, Hijaab is so much more than just COVERING your HAIR. It also means to cover your modesty. Have pity on the brothers, don't be a trial for them. Dress to please Allaah, Not to please His creations... When your hijaab is see-through... ...OR when it's half on your head & half not... ...OR when it's on, but your fringe is showing... ...OR when your hairs covered but your ears are showing... ...OR when your hijaab's on but your wearing skin tight clothes... ...OR when you think hijaab is JUST the covering of the hair... ...SISTER... THAT'S NOT HIJAAB!   A nun can be covered from head to toe in order to devote herself to God, right? But, then, if a muslim girl does the same, why is she oppressed?